Friday, September 25, 2009

Japan is the weird

Finally getting around to starting things up with AI here. Had a couple of ideas bouncing around to start with, but a talk with a friend this morning reminded me of something. Mostly just how weird Japan is. I mean really, sometimes this stuff just gets to be a bit too much.

For example:


Okay. So the army, sorry Japanese Self-Defense Force, jeep is chasing around this giant swordfish/mosquito hybrid monstrosity. A little weird yeah, but there are plenty of old black and white horror films with equally odd concepts. But wait, there's more. Now the swordsquito has a giant shark helping it. We're all doomed.


Speaking of doomed, here we have faux-cannibalism. I'm really not entirely sure where to even begin with this one.


Finally for today in Japan the weird, we have Hello Kitty contacts. Now, I've seen plenty of strange contacts for cat's eyes or making your eyes completely what or whatever. But now we actually have Hello Kitty's head sitting on someone's eye ball. Really Japan, really?